Application Form


Please select your available shift(s).


Employment History

Please list most recent employment first


People often come to me when they need a good idea.

I always try to stay busy at work, even if it is a slow day.

It is okay for an employee to take a little food if they are underpaid.

When someone yells at me, I ...

I think people who are careful have about as many accidents as people who are not careful.

I am almost always on time.

Your manager just told you that you need to work this weekend. You have plans this weekend that you do not want to change. What would you do?

When you find that you do not know how to complete a task, what do you usually do?

How do you feel about receiving feedback from a manager?

How would people describe how well you deal with changes

Which of the following best describes your attendance record in school?

How often do you help others without being asked?

Sometimes you need to ignore safety rules in order to get the job done.

How would you describe your interest towards food?

It's great that you've decided to apply for a job with us. Can you tell us why?

You are approached by a group of young kids while you are relaxing in the park. They want you to join them in a game of soccer. What are you likely to do?

While in the supermarket, the man behind you trips and spills his shopping all over the floor. He is obviously embarrassed. What do you do?

You are waiting at the bus stop, and the bus is late. An elderly lady seems anxious that the bus has not yet arrived. She asks you if you know what has happened. What would you do?

Your manager announces that some new policies and procedures will be introduced and these will have a significant impact on your work. What is your response?

You are working in a restaurant and it's very busy. You are finding it hard to keep on top of your own tasks when a teammate asks you to help them out immediately. This is not part of your role and your manager is not available. What would you do?